Sunday 28 December 2008

Hi Wales Watersports

I am based in Pembrokeshire and am a keen watersportist mainly kitesurfing, surfing, windsurfing and stand up paddleboarding. I will be adding to this blog regular posts on what I think the conditions in the shire will be like, what they have been like and how I've made the most of them. When possible I will always try and add pictures to show how great Wales can be. I have added a selection of pictures to get things started.

Feeling fat after Christmas and slightly gutted to miss the Christmas surf. I had a great boxing day riverboarding on the Wye. See attached pic. I was suprised at how warm it was in the fresh water, obviously wrapped head to toe in neoprene but still.

I’ve had this riverboard for a few years and this was by far the best session I have had on it. In Pembrokeshire we lack chunky rivers with enough current to stretch the bungy. We have had a go in Spring tidal flows but the punchy flow is too short lived also the surface of the water is always too choppy. There is definately scope for using a better board possibly with fins and footstraps as opposed to the larger skim board style board that comes with the chord. The force is phenomenal and really gets the legs and forearms working hard, I even felt a bit stiff the next day. The other incredible thing about this malrkey is the acceleration. The bungy is about 15m stretching to about 40m, once released the bungy can hurl you a good 60m up stream- if you manage to stay on. If you live near a big river this is well worth getting hold of for good, clean, green fun.

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